What is a TMDL?
A TMDL is a numerical value that represents the highest amount of a pollutant a surface water body can receive and still meet the standards. The federal Clean Water Act requires states to develop a TMDL plan for each water body on the state's polluted waters list, also known as the 303(d) list.
Total Maximum Daily Load
Hayden Lake TMDL Implementation Plan Update Report - 2022
Geoff Harvey, HLWA President Emeritus
Hayden Lake located in Kootenai County, Idaho is the county’s third largest lake. The Hayden Lake watershed is predominantly forested with sixty-three percent of the watershed in the management of the U.S. Forest Service. Additional forest land is in private ownership. The lake drains by subterranean seepage to the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer.
The lake has undergone shoreline development in some manner or another since the 1880s. The lake was impounded by a dike in 1910 increasing the lake’s size and altering its previous annual rhythm of drainage. Development extends around the lake with roughly half of its northern, eastern and south eastern shoreline characterized by a single strip of cabins or homes. Most cabins remain summer retreats while an increasing number are becoming year around residences. The more heavily populated south, western and northwestern shores have sewer service from the far side of Sandy Bay to Cramps Bay. Remaining habitations use septic treatment with drain fields required to be set back from the lake.
Water quality issues have arisen concerning the lake since the 1950s. These were primarily concerned with septage drain fields in too close proximity to the lake. Over time, the county rules addressed these issues. Around 1985, forest harvest planned by the U.S. Forest Service in Yellowbanks Creek, the lake’s second largest tributary, caused concern by lakefront owners and lake users. Concern led to the development of a citizens’ interest group, Save Hayden Lake. The group found funds to sponsor an in- depth study of the lake water quality and the loading of plant growth supporting nutrients to the lake. The study was conducted by Eastern Washington University’s limnologist, Dr. Ray Saltero (Saltero et al. 1986). Shortly after the study, two unrelated events led to the development of a management plan for Hayden Lake.
The Idaho Legislature passed the Clean Lake Coordinating Bill (Chapter 64 Title 39 Idaho Code; Repealed HB 450 2010) in the late 1980s. The legislation authorized the Panhandle Health District (PHD) to create management plans for all the lakes of North Idaho. The Health District set up a council to coordinate the work and began the planning effort. Owing to both the public interest to protect Hayden Lake, and the basic scientific groundwork completed by Saltero, Hayden Lake received quick attention. By 1994, the original Hayden Lake Management Plan was in place (PHD 1994). Unfortunately, the plan based on Saltero’s baseline work was strong on goals and objectives, but rather weak on how those objectives would be achieved. Among those goals was a total phosphorous goal for the lake of 7.0 micrograms per liter in the lake’s water. Lakes with total phosphorous concentration under 15 micrograms per liter are, by definition, classified as oligotrophic or clear with low nutrients and low productivity. Saltero’s work found the main lake total phosphorous to average 7.5 micrograms per liter, but that portion of the lake north of Henry’s Point was found to be very eutrophic with total phosphorous in excess of 25 micrograms per liter. This condition was subsequently found to be the result of the shallow nature of the lake in this area which is artificially inundated throughout the summer due to the presence of the Hayden Lake Dike. Why the work group that developed the original plan chose a mid-lake total phosphorous goal of 7 micrograms per liter is unknown. No rationale exists in the plan.
In a completely different effort at the federal level, Congress reauthorized the Clean Water Act of 1972 in 1987. The reauthorization bolstered management of the nonpoint side of surface water contamination. Added sections required the states to assess all their surface waters for attainment of beneficial uses and to ultimately prepare a list of water quality limited segments. Idaho completed its initial assessment in 1989. Since the state was required to report based on any assessment, many initial assessments were windshield surveys at best, especially for more remote streams. Where data existed like that developed for Hayden Lake, the task was more scientifically grounded. Since the measured average for total phosphorous by Saltero and later from citizen’s volunteer monitoring by Black, was 7.5 micrograms per liter and the lake plan goal was 7 ug/L, Hayden Lake was listed as water quality limited. All water quality limited water bodies required additional assessment. If assessment found the water body limited, a total maximum daily load (TMDL) was required.
Hayden Lake was further assessed in an analysis addressing all the listed water bodies of HUC (Hydrologic Unit Code) 3050200. Since the goal was set at seven and the continuing monitoring found the total phosphorous concentration at seven and a half micrograms per liter, the assessment found Hayden Lake water quality limited. A TMDL was prepared that prescribed the phosphorous load reduction necessary to attain the 1994 management plans total phosphorus goal of 7 micrograms per liter (DEQ 2001). The TMDL prescribed a 709 kilograms per year phosphorous load reduction.
After the TMDL was in place, the Department of Environmental Quality gathered a working group of the lake’s stakeholders to develop a TMDL implementation plan. The group met a few times, but eventually dissolved with its only product a resolution to begin a lake protective association. From this resolution the Hayden Lake Watershed Association came into existence. The Association was not the only citizen group operating on behalf of the lake and its watershed. Save Hayden Lake had re-emerged primarily to oppose the expansion of Camp Mivoden’s physical facilities. After Kootenai County granted the camp’s permit to expand based on specific conditions, Save Hayden Lake and the Watershed Association merged to form the Hayden Lake Watershed Association Inc. The larger Association took on several issues in the protection of the lake and its watershed. Among these was completion of a TMDL implementation plan. The Association chose to create an addendum to the Hayden Lake Management Plan which contained specific phosphorous load reducing projects. The addendum was completed in 2009 (HLWA 2009).
Since the Hayden Lake Management Plan Addendum was finalized, the Association has consistently worked to have specific projects implemented. During the intervening thirteen years, several projects have been successfully completed. Additionally, some cultural practices have ceased or have been in abeyance. Specifically, the two cattle grazing operations in the watershed have ended and the Forest Service has not harvested timber in over twenty-five years.
Given the extended period since the TMDL implementation plan was put in place, it is time to review the plan and the effectiveness of the projects it delineated in lowering the total phosphorous concentration of the lake.
The management plan addendum contained projects or investigations grouped under six categories. These were: Wastewater Assessment and Treatment Projects, Storm Water Capture and Treatment, Forest Service Projects, Agriculture Projects, Public Road Projects, and Emergent Aquatic Vegetation Management. The projects listed under any one of these categories were listed by priority. The priority was most often based on the amount of phosphorus reduction expected.
The goal of the plan was to reduce the total phosphorous loading to the lake by nearly 712 kilograms per year. Algal growth in the lake main body of Hayden Lake is limited by phosphorous concentration. The phosphorous chemical compound absorbed to drive the growth of algae is orthophosphate. Unfortunately, orthophosphate at the concentration of total phosphorous in Hayden Lake is typically at, or just below, the chemical detection limit. For this reason, total rather than ortho-phosphorous is used as a more reliable measure. This is scientifically reasonable because there exists a strict relationship between total and ortho-phosphorous concentrations. A constant and small amount of ortho- phosphorous is chemically dissociated from the larger total phosphorous pool at the temperature, and pH of Hayden Lake. Thus, as the total phosphorous concentration rises so does the proportionately much smaller ortho-phosphorous concentration. Simultaneous measures of total and ortho-phosphorous prove this relationship and are reflected in the lake monitoring data. The 712 kg per year reduction goal is the reduction that would, theoretically, lower the average mid-lake total phosphorous to 7 ug/L, the management plan’s concentration objective.
The wastewater assessment and treatment projects were in order of priority: 1) Mivoden community wastewater treatment system upgrade to non-phosphorous contributing land application system, 2) identify and create local solutions for failing on-site wastewater treatment systems, and 3) identify and hook up failing on-site wastewater treatment systems (Table 1).
Table 1: Wastewater Assessment and Treatment Projects
Location |
Recommended Action |
Estimated Cost |
Estimated phosphorous reduction (kg/yr) |
Priority |
HLRWSD Service Area | In cooperation with PHD identify and hook up failing on-site wastewater treatment systems |
$50,000 |
6 |
3 |
Non-serviced shoreline with emphasis on bays | In cooperation with PHD and CVMP identify and create local solutions for failing on-site wastewater treatment systems |
$25,000 |
35.9 |
2 |
Camp Mivoden |
In cooperation with DEQ assure that the Camp Mivoden community wastewater treatment system is upgraded to non- phosphorous contributing land application system |
$500,000 |
137.6 |
1 |
The Mivoden community system upgrade was a condition of the Kootenai County permit allowing expansion. Implementation of the project was well underway when the addendum was developed and was completed shortly thereafter. The termination of Mivoden’s septic drain field located quite near the lake and the establishment of a treatment and land application system located nearly a mile from the lake essentially ended this contribution to the lake. An estimated 137 kilogram phosphorous per year was removed from the load reaching the lake.
The Panhandle Health District conducted an assessment of septic treatment and drain field systems around the lake shortly after the addendum was in place. An exceedingly small number of problems systems were discovered. Those few exclusive to the Hayden Lake Sewer District’s collection system were required to modify their systems to solve any discharge issue primarily by removing drain field further back from the lake. Those few failing systems discovered in the sewer district’s collection area were required to hook up to the sewer. These removals were so minor their contribution to phosphorous reduction is not estimated.
The last septic survey was conducted over ten years ago and drain fields can fail with time, especially if their use increases. Given the elapse time and the fact that some vacation homes have been converted to permanent residences, a new survey by PHD is in order.
Storm water discharge and the sediment and attached phosphorous it carries was a concern when the original Hayden Lake Management Plan was developed. Phosphorous yield modeling developed by Panhandle Health District with the assistance of the University of Idaho indicated that storm water runoff from the lake’s heavily-developed south shore between the dike and the Hayden Lake Marina was of major concern. When the addendum was developed the modeling was repeated with updated modeling methods. The result predicted the second largest phosphorous yield was from the south shore storm water. For this reason, a pilot surface water capture and treatment project was designed to test a modular treatment system and subgrade discharge was scheduled (Table 2). If the system succeeded. A scaled-up project was envisioned to remove additional phosphorous.
Table 2: Storm Water Capture and Treatment Projects
Watershed |
Recommended Action |
Stormwater collection area treated (acre) |
Estimated Cost |
Projected Sediment Removal (kg/yr) |
Projected phosphorous removal (kg/yr) |
Priority |
South Shore |
Pilot test two storm water retention and treatment units |
2 |
$60,000 |
616-1,232 |
1 – 2.6 |
1 |
South Shore |
If effective install 20 storm water retention and treatment units |
20 |
$600,000 |
6,616-12,320 |
10 - 26 |
2 |
Before undertaking expensive capture and treatment of stormwater abatement projects, the Hayden Lake Watershed Improvement District sought an independent assessment of the previous modeling. A monitoring program was designed to measure storm water discharge and test its phosphorous concentration. Six small watersheds were identified on the slope above the south shore. Each was monitored during runoff events for discharge and phosphorous concentration. From these data the loading of phosphorous to the lake from stormwater was calculated. The monitoring data resulted in yields that were far below those estimated by the modeling. The measured phosphorous loading was so low that any storm water retention and treatment would not be cost effective. Based on this analysis, the Hayden Lake Watershed Improvement District decided it was not worthwhile to address storm water. An open question remains on the fate of phosphorous known to be deposited from the atmosphere between its deposition point and the lake.
The Forest Service projects were in order of priority: 1) culvert replacement on the Ohio Match Road (FSR 206), 2) Stump – Shamrock Meadow Restoration, 3) FSR 437 (lower) upgrade, 4) N F Hayden Creek Road decommissioning, 5) complete headwater Yellowbanks and Jim Creek haul road decommissioning, 6) E.F. Hayden Creek Road (FSR 437) encroachment upgrades, 7) hardening of EF Hayden Creek crossing at Hells Canyon Trail, and 8) Lancaster Creek culvert restoration at FSR 206 crossing (Table 3).
Table 3: Forest road and floodplain restoration projects, Hayden Lake Watershed.
Project |
Forest Road Number |
Recommended Action |
Total Road Miles |
Estimated Cost |
Estimated Phosphorous Reduction (kg/yr) |
Priority |
Culvert Replacement Ohio Match Road | FR 206 | Remove and replace 7 log culverts on grade | 0.33 | $140,000 | 332.8 | 1 |
North Fork Hayden Creek Road | FR625 | Decommission 1 | 6 | $180,000 | 10.3 | 3 |
Roads in Headwaters of Jim and Yellowbanks Creeks |
FR?? |
Decommission 1 |
10 |
$20,000 |
5.1 |
4 |
Stump - Shamrock Meadow Restoration | Not applicable | Stream channel reconstruction, fencing and riparian planting |
- |
$64,000 |
6.2 |
1 |
Lancaster Ck Culvert Restoration | FR 206 | Culvert improvement to remove water drop | Negligible | $10,000 | 3.1 | 7 |
EF Hayden Creek Rd encroachments |
FR 437 |
Full bench around floodplain encroachments |
0.5 |
$100,000 |
3.3 |
6 |
EF Hayden Creek crossings | Not applicable | Armor banks and stream bed | Negligible | $10,000 | 3.4 | 5 |
Upgrade FR 437 |
FR 437 |
Re-grade, apply gravel base, replace culverts and line inside ditches |
2.0 |
$100,000 |
37.8 |
2 |
1 Activities stabilizing and restoring roads to a more natural state. These activities include removal of stream crossings and full re-contour of the road prism, introduction of woody debris and re-vegetation as needed.
The Forest Service replaced all but one of the old wooden box culverts on the Ohio Match Grade (FSR 206). Since the culverts did not fail before replacement, it is likely little phosphorous load was addressed, but the potential for very large loads persisting over many years was averted. Mud bogging in both Stump and Shamrock Meadows was stopped through a combined effort Association to procure logs and Forest Service placing them to discourage the activity and more strict enforcement efforts by the Forest Service. The lower Hayden Creek Road between the forest boundary and the shooting range remains a primary sediment and therefore, a phosphorous source. Efforts are underway to address this road which is located so that sediment drains directly to Hayden Creek only a mile or two before it enters the lake. A part of the problem is the unregulated shooting range that itself drains to Hayden Creek. None of these efforts have, to date, stopped the sediment and phosphorous export to the lake. Although the North Fork Hayden Creek Road was closed to all but administrative use by court order, the areas of this road’s encroachment on the North Fork Hayden Creek have never been addressed and the road has not been decommissioned. The decommissioning of haul roads was completed in the Yellowbanks and Jim Creek watersheds. The encroachments of the East Fork Road (FSR 437) have not been addressed, however a plan the Association suggested to the Forest Service does address these. Hopefully, these improvements and those on the North Fork Road will be made as part of the Honey Badger Project. These roads will be major haul roads for the timber sales planned. The open water crossing of single-track motorcycles onto the Hells Canyon Trail has not been hardened. However, the old Hells Canyon Trail that followed the stream in locations very closely was replaced with a new trail located on the south facing side hill. No phosphorous reduction estimates have been ventured for the trail replacement, but the relocation certainly decreased sediment and therefore, phosphorous export to the East Fork Hayden Creek. Replacement of the culvert conducting Lancaster Creek under Ohio Match Road (FSR 206) occurred roughly twelve years ago. The two rusted out eight-inch culverts were replaced with a single thirty-six inch culvert. The replacement culvert does retard fish passage, but this may not be an issue this high in Lancaster Creek.
Estimating the phosphorous reduction from the Forest Service Area Projects is difficult. The highest priority project was preemptory rather than corrective. Its phosphorous reduction cannot be tallied. However, the cessation of mud bogging in Stump and Shamrock meadows, Jim and Yellowbanks haul road decommissioning and Lancaster Creek culvert replacement were achieved as was the relocation of the Hells Canyon Trail. In addition, the Forest Service has not harvested timber in the Hayden Creek watershed for over twenty-five years. This cessation surely allowed many sediment sources to heal while others were not created. A net decrease of 15 to 23 kilograms per year is not unreasonable.
The greatest progress now can be made by decommissioning FSR 437 between the forest boundary and the lower Ohio Match Road (FSR 206) junction. If a replacement for this road is desired the Association has proposed a replacement on primarily existing road grades on the southern flank of Hudlow Mountain. Although the Honey Badger Project will usher in a new round of forest harvest in the watershed managed by the Forest Service, it also provides an opportunity to address issues on both the upper FSR 437 and North Fork Hayden Creek Roads, and the hardening of the Hells Canyon Crossing.
The roads projects were listed by the then supervisor of the Lakes Highway District working closely with the Association. The projects included 1) continuing ditch maintenance of Upper East Hayden Lake Road and East Hayden Lake Road which circles most of the lake, 2) creation of storm water retention ponds during curve reconstruction on Lancaster Road, 3) paving of Mokins Bay Road, and 4) survey of drainage from private roads (Table 5).
The first three projects were implemented with the first remaining an ongoing effort. The highway district continues to remove sediment deposited in it inside ditches to a soil repository out of the watershed. Such maintenance is a required practice to maintain the road grades. The curve on Lancaster Road just beyond English Point was rebuilt nearly ten years ago with the settling ponds placed. Mokins Bay Road (mis- identified as Nilsen Creek Road) was paved two years ago. Conservatively, completion of these projects removed 64 kilograms per year.
Although no direct assessment was ever made of discharge from private roads, the storm water monitoring completed by the Watershed Improvement District addressed this issue at least in part for the Upper and Lower East Hayden Lake Roads between the dike and the Hayden Lake Marina. Certainly, private roadway development continues with land development. In some cases, these roads are well constructed and erosion mitigation is installed, while in others the opposite has been the case. Typically,a failure uphill of the county road ends up in the road ditch where the highway district deals with it. This cannot be said for poorly constructed and protected roads downhill of the Highway District’s roads.
Table 5: Lakes Highway District projects designed to abate erosion.
Project |
Description |
Cost |
Phosphorous Reduction (kg/ yr) |
Priority |
East Hayden Lake Maintenance |
Complete annual road maintenance that includes stabilization and seeding of any slumps into ditches and removal of resulting or accumulated sediment from drainage ditches. Target removal and stabilization at flat site of at minimum 40 cubic yards of ditch sediment per year. |
$50,000 |
39.0 |
1 |
Lancaster Road Curve Improvements |
During curve improvements work with adjacent landowners to build two detention basins to hold run off and release at a slower rate to reduce scour. |
$16,000 |
25.3 |
2 |
Pave Nilsen Road |
Pave Nilson Road from its intersection with Hayden Lake Road to the private property boundary. |
$105,000 |
3.9 |
3 |
Survey drainage of private drainage |
Survey drainage from private roadways onto public roads inventorying drainages that cause erosion |
$25,000 |
- |
3 |
Agriculture in the Hayden Lake Watershed was limited to a very few tributary watersheds, Lancaster, Nilsen, Stump and Bervin Creeks. Most of the agriculture involved animal husbandry with some hay
Table 4: Agriculture stabilization projects, Hayden Lake Watershed
Watershed |
Recommended Action |
Fencing or planting (Feet/acre) |
Facility Number |
Estimated Cost |
Estimated Phosphorous Reduction (kg/yr) |
Priority |
Lancaster Creek |
Riparian exclusion fencing |
6,000 |
$12,000 |
4.6 |
4 |
Watering facility |
- |
4 |
$12,000 |
Heavy use protection area |
- |
3 |
$7,500 |
Riparian vegetation planting |
1,400 |
- |
$7,000 |
Nilsen Creek |
Riparian exclusion fencing |
4,600 |
- |
$9,200 |
10.8 |
1 |
Perimeter exclusion fencing |
7,500 |
- |
$15,000 |
Watering facility |
- |
2 |
$6,000 |
Heavy use protection area |
- |
2 |
$5,000 |
Riparian vegetation planting |
1,600 |
- |
$8,000 |
Stump Creek |
Riparian exclusion fencing |
1,600 |
- |
$3,200 |
0.8 |
5 |
Watering facility |
- |
2 |
$6,000 |
Heavy use protection area |
- |
1 |
$2,500 |
Riparian forest buffer |
1 |
- |
$1,250 |
Bervin Creek |
Riparian exclusion fencing |
400 |
- |
$800 |
1.6* |
6 |
Sediment Basin |
- |
1 |
$6,000 |
7.3 |
3 |
Hayden Lake North Arm |
Nutrient Management |
10 |
- |
$2,500 |
8.3* |
2 |
- based on 5% delivery to surface
production. The Kootenai-Shoshone Soil Conservation Commission staff developed a plan to address the water pollution issues that existed (Table 4).
The Commission’s staff worked with landowners to implement fencing projects in Nilsen and Lancaster Creeks. Some of the problems sites in the Stump Creek watershed were addressed by the acquisition of the property by Fish & Game with Northwest Power Plan mitigation funds. After the acquisition, grazing in this area was ended. Some horse grazing may remain on Bervin and Nilsen Creeks. The running of horses on properties comes and goes with owners. The implemented projects are estimated to have reduced phosphorous yield by some 16 kilograms per year.
Another change not envisioned in the plan occurred in the watershed. There were two grazing operations in the watershed and a third that overlapped partially. One was centered in Lancaster Creek. The operation was confined to the owner’s property along the creek and possibly some adjacent private forest land. The second range stretched along the east shore from as far north as Stump Creek to as far south as Yellowbanks Creek. Since the area was state-recognized open range, it was the private owner’s responsibility to fence out the cattle. The third operation was located west of the watershed on private and state-owned property, but did range into Upper Lancaster, Cherry and lower Hayden Creeks acreage managed by the Forest Service. This operation was the first to end when its owner gave up the business. The Fish and Game acquisition of the Stump Creek headwaters and fencing, ceased impacts from this herd on the watershed. Eventually the owner of the operation along the east shore became elderly and essentially lost control of this herd. Eventually the herd waned out of existence. The cattle operation in lower Lancaster Creek is in the process of shutting down. The meadows grazed appear to have lighter usage than in earlier years. There is rumor that that the land will be subdivided and sold for home development. The impact of this cattle grazing on streams and the resultant phosphorous yield to the lake was never estimated. Nevertheless, there was a phosphorous yield associated with the grazing operations impact on the tributaries that has ceased since the implementation plan was put in place.
The cycling of phosphorous from the bottom sediments into the water column by emergent aquatic vegetation was poorly understood when the plan was developed. At that time Eurasian milfoil was the only emergent aquatic of concern. Since that time, curly leaf pondweed has become invasive problems in the lake.
The projects envisioned to address invasives were 1) Assessment of phosphorous cycling potential of aquatic emergent, 2) assess the best control methods, and 3) control Eurasian milfoil (Table 6). No phosphorous load reductions were assigned to these actions because it was unclear if significant phosphorous cycling occurred.
Table 6: Emergent Vegetation Assessment and Management Projects
Project | Information/ action Required |
Estimated Cost |
Estimated phosphorous reduction (kg/yr) | Priority |
Assessment of Milfoil phosphorous cycling | Quantify the amount of phosphorous placed in the water column as a result of the milfoil vegetation cycle |
$2,000 |
Not applicable |
1 |
Assessment methods to control or eradicate Eurasian milfoil | Develop best available and practical techniques to control and/or eradicate milfoil |
$2,000 |
Not applicable |
1 |
Control milfoil growth in critical areas | Implement additional measures to control Eurasian milfoil | $50,000 | To be determined based on assessments | 2 |
Phosphorous cycling was assessed by two means. A literature search indicated that the magnitude of any such cycling would be small. In addition, modeling based on top removal of emergent vegetation demonstrated that phosphorus yield would be three orders of magnitude below phosphorous concentrations that would have any significant phosphorous loading affect. Methods to control Eurasian milfoil, and later, curly leaf pondweed were managed initially by Kootenai County’s Noxious Weed Program and later by the Idaho Department of Agriculture’s (ISDA) Invasive Species Program. Initially Kootenai County’s program addressed milfoil in the lake. However, lobbying by a Hayden Lake resident put the lake high in ISDA’s priorities. The ISDA took over treatment about eight years ago and has controlled both Eurasian milfoil and curly leaf pondweed in the lake through a program of annual invasives census and targeted treatment. Lake monitoring during and after treatment has demonstrated changes in nitrogen compounds, specifically ammonia, in the period after herbicide applications, but no change in either total or ortho-phosphorous concentration. The current evidence indicates that the invasives and their treatment neither adds or detracts to the phosphorous load of the lake.
Based on the project phosphorous load reduction estimates, 240 kilograms of phosphorous per year have likely been removed from Hayden Lake due to completion of projects that can be counted. Cultural changes, like the lack of any forest harvests on the federally managed portion of the watershed and the cessation of most animal husbandry, likely have reduced this load even further. Even with this added reduction it is very doubtful that the calculated reduction of 709 kilograms phosphorous per year has been achieved.
However, the calculated phosphorous reduction in the TMDL (DEQ 2001), assumes the lake preforms in phosphorous addition and reductions like a beaker of water would. A lake is a far more complex water body with its own set of chemical buffering and storage systems, many of which remain poorly understood. For this reason, actual lake total phosphorous monitoring with appropriate confirmatory measurements remains the best assessment of the success of phosphorous reduction efforts.
Another independent means of assessing progress made on lake water quality is through monitoring. The Watershed Improvement District has supported water quality monitoring of the lake since 2016. The
The initial three years concentrated on the lake’s North Arm, north of Henry’s Point, because this area has distinct and very different water quality than the remainder of the lake. During the 2019 monitoring season, the mid-lake station was added back to the monitoring program. The average mid-lake station’s total phosphorous for the years 2019 through 2022 is provided in Table 7. The running average has fallen to 4.6 micrograms per liter. Results from monitoring stations in bays associated with the main pool of Hayden Lake support these results as do lower chlorophyll a measurement. Chlorophyll a is a surrogate measure of algal biomass which, in the main pool of the lake, is dependent on phosphorous concentration. Chlorophyll a ranged from 2.3 to 0.9 micrograms per liter prior to 2009 and now ranges from 0.59 to 0.45 microgram per liter.
Table 7: Measured Average Total Phosphorous Concentration at Mid-Lake Station
Year | Average Total
Phosphorous (ug/L) |
2019 | 4.4 |
2020 | 4 |
2021 | 5 |
2022 | 5.6 |
Average | 4.6 |
Table 8: Measured Average Chlorophyll a concentration at Mid-Lake Station
Years |
Average Chlorophyll a (ug/L) |
Maximum Chlorophyll a (ug/L) |
Minimum Chlorophyll a (ug/L) |
1975 to 2006* | 1.59 | 2..30 | 0.90 |
2019 to 2020 |
0.54 |
0.59 |
0.45 |
- Data from 1975(EPA) 1986 (Saltero) 1988-2004 (Black) 2005 and 2006 (Harvey & Walker)
A total maximum daily load (TMDL) limit was developed for Hayden Lake based on a total phosphorous goal of 7 micrograms per liter. A load reduction was designed to reduce total phosphorous concentration from 7.5 micrograms per liter to 7 micrograms per liter. By 2009, a TMDL Implementation plan designating many phosphorous yields reducing projects, and estimating the total phosphorous load (kilograms per year) reduction expected, was established. The Hayden Lake Watershed Association has worked over the ensuing thirteen years with many cooperators and especially, the Hayden Lake Watershed Improvement District, to assure projects were completed. Many projects were completed. This report assesses the load reduction achieved and the attainment of the goal sought. Load reduction that can be accounted for reliably is in the range of 240 kilograms per year, which is far short of the 709 kilograms per year required by the TMDL. However, cultural changes in both forestry and agriculture likely accounted for additional phosphorous load reduction.
Water quality monitoring results acquired over the past four years clearly indicate that the average total phosphorous concentration of the lake has declined nearly 3 ug/L to 4.6 micrograms per liter compared to the near twenty-five-year average of monitoring prior to implementation of the plan (7.5 micrograms per liter). Chlorophyll a measurement, a surrogate for algal productivity which is controlled by
phosphorous availability, supports these results. From the data we can conclude that Hayden Lake is currently fully meeting the water quality goals set for it in the early 1990s and is not water quality limited in its predominant portion, the main pool.
Although the current results and trends are promising, any number of human actions in its watershed might tip the lake’s delicate nutrient balance backwards. All those concerned with the high quality of Hayden Lake and its watershed should remain vigilant and ever ready to take any opportunity to decrease phosphorous loading to the lake.
Saltero R.A., K.R Merrill, M.R. Cather and L.N. Appel 1986. Completion Report for the Investigation entitled Water Quality Assessment of Hayden Lake ID Eastern Washington. Cheney WA 92p.
PHD 1994. PHD, 1994. Hayden Lake Management Plan. Panhandle Health District, 2195 Ironwood Court, Coeur d’ Alene ID 83814. (New address: 8500 N Atlas Road Hayden, ID 83835) 88p.
DEQ 2001. Total Maximum Daily Loads for the Water Quality Limited Water Bodies Located on or Draining to the Rathdrum Prairie (17010305) Idaho Department of Environmental Quality, 2110 Ironwood Parkway, Coeur d’Alene ID. 6p.
HLWA 2009. Hayden Lake Watershed & Lake Management Plan Addendum. Hayden Lake Watershed Association, P.O. Box 3583 Hayden ID 83835. 18p.
A Summary of Hayden Lake Water Quality Monitoring 1976 - 2006
Note: Links to copies of the original water quality studies are at the bottom of this summary
Introduction: The purpose of this summary is to give any individual understandings of the types of water quality monitoring that have been conducted on Hayden Lake. There are six distinct monitoring efforts on the lake's water quality and one on its near shore septic systems ranging over a period from 1972 through 2006. This summary will attempt to report the approaches taken, the data developed, and, as important, how the approach did not reveal the entire picture. Any opinion stated is that of one professional with many years of water quality experience and might be disputed by another's opinion. This document is a summary. The actual reports on which it is based are linked to the report at the appropriate location so those wishing more in depth information may consult the report.
The National Eutrophication Study was conducted in 1975 and published by the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in 1977. Thirteen lakes in Idaho, among them Coeur d'Alene Lake, Hayden Lake and the Twin Lakes, were visited by a pontoon equipped Huey helicopter during the spring, summer, and fall seasons. Integrated samples from the surface to the bottom of the lake were taken at three stations on Hayden Lake: a mid-lake station midway between the country club and Cooper Bay, a mid-lake station just south of the lake's northern arm, and a station well within the northern arm near Sportsman's Access.
Water samples demonstrated that Hayden Lake was one of the clearest lakes sampled within the state. Physical measurements were within the ranges expected for a Northern Idaho lake. Chlorophyll a levels of 2-4.6 micrograms per liter indicate that the lake was in an area of algal growth that was tending towards deteriorating water quality (early mesotrophy). Primary production potential from algal growth was rated moderately low in the spring and high in the fall. Of the thirteen Idaho lakes sampled, 11 had higher total phosphorous and all others had higher orthophosphate than Hayden Lake. These plant growth nutrients were shown to be limiting algae growth in the spring and fall periods for Hayden Lake. Nitrogen plant growth nutrients were assayed as limiting in the summer samples. The study observations did not report any problem conditions during the visits to the lake. A crude plant growth nutrient loading analysis of the lake was made for the study as was an assessment of point and nonpoint sources of pollution. No known point sources (pollution from a discrete source such as a pipe) were reported, while forestry, agriculture, and septic systems were assigned nutrient loads. A large part of the nonpoint source phosphorous was not accounted for by the modeling.
The National Eutrophication Study was, by its design, a very quick (one spring, summer, and fall) snapshot of the lake's water quality. This study lends itself to criticism for viewing the lake as a single unit. The three water quality stations were deemed equal, with two in rather deep water and the third being well within the Northern Arm. The northern arm is an artifact of impoundment of the lake in 1911. The northern arm's physical conditions, depth, temperature, and plant growth are quite different. Mixing of the water quality data collected at the northern arm station with that of the main lake by mathematical average, does bias the overall quality of the main lake with data from an area expected to have different water quality because of its very different conditions. The plant growth nutrient loading estimates are fairly crude models based on an insufficient amount of stream discharge modeling. Even with these faults however, it did suggest some nutrient loading factor was missed.
The summary report includes data collected by the Division of Environmental Quality; Department of Health & Welfare (DEQ) between 1972 and 1976, preliminary data from EPA's National Eutrophication Study (NES), some physical and chemical data collected by Idaho Departments of Fish & Game and Water Resources back to 1948, and bacteriological surveys made by the Panhandle Health District (PHD) in the mid-1970s. The report was compiled by a DEQ water quality analyst.
The summarized data demonstrate that the lake was generally low in plant growth nutrients, phosphorous and nitrogen (oligotrophic) in its main deep water pool. The summary notes that certain shallow bays, notably Mokins and O'Rourke, and the shallow northern arm ranged from moderate to high plant growth nutrient (mestotrophic to eutrophic) conditions. The shallow northern arm which is 6 feet is deep was noted to be an artifact of the 1911 impoundment of the lake. Prior to this time, it was a pasture along the edge of Hayden Creek. Hayden Creek entered the lake near Henry's Point. Aquatic weed growth was noted as heavy in the shallow bays and the northern arm. Algal growth potential studies made by EPA in the NES and by DEQ during the same time period, demonstrated the lake to be limited by the phosphorous compound orthophosphate necessary for algal (plant) growth. Nitrogen is also necessary for plant growth. Nitrogen was not found to limit plant growth, except in one case during the early spring. The nitrate form of nitrogen was found to be very low in lake waters at all times, while the ammonia form was found at levels of concern in areas of heavy residential use on occasion. These ammonia results suggest impacts of human sewage on the lakeshore. Dissolved oxygen concentrations collected over the history of lake monitoring indicated no limitations.
Assessment of nonpoint sources of water contaminates were made. These sources included domestic habitations, recreation, agriculture, mining, and timber harvest, and the road development necessary to support these activities. A shoreline wastewater treatment assessment made by PHD found 584 individual subsurface wastewater disposal systems of various types. These systems were located an average of 115 feet from the lake. Fifty-nine percent of survey lots were found to have bedrock at six feet or less from the surface. Shallow soils of this type are regarded as poorly suited for most on-site wastewater treatment and disposal systems. Based on the assessment, total phosphorous and nitrogen loading to the lake from these sources was estimated at 12% and 10.9% respectively. Phosphorous and nitrogen loading, as the result of housing, roads, agriculture, and logging was estimated at 24.1% and 22.7% respectively. The report did note that a cattle ranch at the north end of the lake routinely discharged manure into the lake. The practice was ended in 1973 by PHD.
The summarized data included bacteriological survey results completed by DEQ and PHD jointly. The lake did not exceed the class A bacteria standard supportive of recreational use at any time, although one health warning at Honeysuckle Beach occurred during a high temperature period. A targeted bacteriological study conducted during July 1975 was designed to detect bacteria increases as recreational cabin use increased. The study did reveal a bacterial increase trend in shoreline waters adjacent to dense recreational home and cabin development on the south shore to the vicinity of Sandy Bay, and the west shore and northwest shore to the vicinity of Cramp's Bay. Although high total coliform bacteria counts were observed in these high development areas, seldom were fecal coliforms detected.
The results summarized in 1977 provide the initial overall view of Hayden Lake's water quality. These results constitute an initial baseline, created after development of the lakeshore was well established for at least fifty years. The ammonia nitrogen and bacterial results point to a concern that improper wastewater treatment and disposal was affecting near shore waters in areas of residential and recreational cabin development. The subsurface wastewater disposal systems survey completed by PHD demonstrated the problems with this treatment approach and the estimated loading for phosphorous and nitrogen plant growth nutrients.
The summary report does provide estimates of plant growth nutrient loadings, but these are not sufficiently comprehensive to support a protective lake management strategy. Improved measurement of watershed inputs and the fate of nutrients once carried into the lake would be required for these estimates.
The assessment of Hayden Lake’s water quality and the resulting report was commissioned by the group Save Hayden Lake, a group of citizens concerned that the lake’s water quality was deteriorating. The study was conducted by an Eastern Washington University limnologist and his graduate students. The study is the most in-depth into the quality of Hayden Lake’s water, biota, and the loading of the plant (algae) growth nutrients from tributary sources made to the date of the study or afterwards. The objective of the study was to develop a water quality baseline of the current water quality including the loading of algae growth nutrients. Based on this baseline, the effect of activities in the watershed could be predicted.
The study collected samples from April through December 1985. Physical measurements and samples were collected at four stations on the lake through the water column. Additional samples were collected from the zone penetrated by light (euphotic zone). Several physical measurements were collected while samples were analyzed for an array of chemical constituents, algae, and zooplankton content. The majority of the tributary streams were monitored with physical measurements including water discharge into the lake and sampled to measure chemical constituents of the water. From the discharge measurement and the concentration of plant growth nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous), the load of these constituents entering the lake was calculated. The plant growth nutrient load from septic system discharge was estimated. The discharge from the lake as it flows over the dike or discharge to the Rathdrum Prairie Aquifer was measured and estimated.
The study documented the bicarbonate water of Hayden Lake to be high in clarity, low in mineral content and low in plant growth nutrient concentrations. The lake developed strong thermal stratification during the summer months with the relatively thin layer of warm surface water (epilimnion) and a large pool of cold water at depth (hypolimnion). The lake was well oxygenated, but exhibited some oxygen depletion to 4.4 milligrams per liter at depth near the bottom in early fall months. The chlorophyll concentration, a measure of algae (plant) abundance, was low, 2.04 milligrams per cubic meter as was the primary productivity, the amount of carbon fixed by photosynthesis, 0.202 grams carbon per square meter per day. Based on the nutrient concentration, chlorophyll content and primary productivity, the lake was classified as oligotrophic, but bordering on mesotrophic. Oligotrophy is a condition of low nutrients and low algae growth resulting in very clear water, while mesotrophy is characterized by higher plant growth nutrients, more plant (algae) growth and lower clarity. Assessment of the algae present through the year and the zooplankton feeding on it supported the oligotrophic classification, but presence of one group of zooplankton could suggest trends towards mesotrophy. Sampling for bacteria documented none measured in the open water of the lake and very few present in the shoreline waters except for one sample taken at Honeysuckle Beach during a period of high use by swimmers. Calculations of the ratio of nitrogen to phosphorous present in the lake water provided evidence that phosphorous is the plant growth nutrient limiting algae growth.
Nutrient loading estimates demonstrated that 69% of the phosphorous present in the lake came from the tributaries draining the watershed, while an estimated 5% had its origin from septic tanks. An estimated 26% of the phosphorous came from atmospheric fallout. Given the phosphorous loading sources, the study indicated that management of the lake’s watershed was the key to managing the lake’s water quality. Since the U. S. Forest Service managed 63% of the watershed, its actions were most important. The study cautioned if the Forest Service continued to harvest the forests of the watershed for a target of a 100 year rotation of the trees, the cutting rate would adversely affect the lake’s water quality.
The study outlined a very thorough sampling of the lake and most of its tributaries waters through the seasons. The study remains the best characterization of the lake’s water quality to date. Although all of the major tributary streams to the lake were flow gaged and water quality characterized, many small tributaries that are located in more densely populated areas of the watershed, as on the lake’s south shore were not characterized. Since most of these tributaries are intermittent, flowing only during snow melt or significant precipitation events, gaging their discharge and sampling them was problematic at the time of the study. If it was possible for the study to document these streams, it is likely that another major source of phosphorous loading to the lake that would have been recognized; storm water. The study did not document the influence of storm water discharge to the lake as a major source of phosphorous and one directly related to human activity in the watershed. Careful reading of the text indicates the phosphorous mass balance developed from the data collected was lacking. Sediment uptake and release of phosphorous was invoked to achieve the balance. It is likely the actual difficulty had its roots in the fact that the storm water source was not recognized. The study focused most of its efforts in lake water quality sampling on four stations in the lake. Three of these are mid-lake stations, while the fourth was in the transition zone between the deep open lake and the shallow northern arm of the lake. The only samples collected near shore or in bays were grab samples tested for bacteria. Although this design is preferred to assess the water quality health of a lake, it ignores the fact that degradation of water quality typically begins in the bay areas and only is detectable at mid-lake stations after degradation is well advanced. A water quality monitoring scheme likely to identify water quality degradation early requires a strong component examining the most vulnerable bays.
The shoreline survey of septic systems completed by the Panhandle Health District in 1986 updated the shoreline survey completed in 1976. The survey divided the lake shore into the eleven zones used in the 1976 survey. The physical characteristics of each zone’s shoreline were documented as were the soil types. The numbers of new and upgraded septic systems since the 1976 survey were noted. The efficiency of the soils in the removal of septage contaminants and nutrients was estimated for each zone. Any restrictions on the use of on-site wastewater drain fields were noted.
The survey found 653 septic systems on the shoreline. Sixty-six (66) were new construction since 1976; forty-three (43) had been repaired or renovated, while 544 remained essentially as they were in 1976. The average separation of drain fields from the lake increased to 125 feet. This report, like its predecessor, noted serious problems with application of wastewater into the clay soils generated from the basalt on the southwest, west, and northwest shore of the lake. It noted specific areas beyond these where drain field treatment and disposal of wastewater was restricted or closely regulated. The survey demonstrated that the average distance of drain fields from the lake was increasing in all zones primarily due to the requirement of greater separation distances required by the newer regulations. Most existing lots did not have the depth to achieve the separation distances required by the updated septic system regulations. Many systems that were replaced could not find the proper separation on the property in question, and drain fields were removed to the furthest point feasible. New systems were required to obtain easements for drain fields on property adjacent to the lot but further removed from the lake to meet the increased separation regulations. The report pointed out that shoreline areas one, two, and three (Honeysuckle Bay to Cramps Bay and most of area 11 Windy Bay to Honeysuckle Bay) was scheduled for sewage collector system installation by the Hayden Lake Recreational Water & Sewer District in the next two years. The shoreline survey update was preparatory to the sewage collector installation on the south shore to Sandy Bay and along the west and northwest shoes to Cramps Bay, that the 1977 bacteria assessment and the 1985 water quality study indicated was necessary to protect the lake.
The 1987 water quality assessment was compiled by DEQ and released in 1990. The report primarily restates many of the conclusions of the water quality assessment report of 1985, but does add some information from water quality monitoring completed at the mid-lake stations in 1986 and later the Citizens' Volunteer Monitoring Program (CVMP) completed between 1987 and 1990. The methods for both the DEQ monitoring and CVMP are provided. The parameters measured are scaled back as are some parts of the water column sampled, but the methods are similar to those used in the 1985 study. Although attempts were made to use the same sampling locations as the 1985 study, the report indicates this goal was not achieved. Results of monitoring on Hayden Creek are cited that verify the phosphorous load estimates made in 1985, but indicate that grazing in Lancaster Creek, one of Hayden Creek’s tributaries contributes significantly to the phosphorous load. The report addresses the phosphorous balance issue. Based on additional years of nitrogen and phosphorous data, the reports suggests a concentration increase of phosphorous in the hypolimnion, even though the 1985 study did not measure a phosphorous concentration increase. It is difficult to assess from the data, but such observations may have been symptomatic of the failure to recognize the storm water source from heavily developed slopes adjacent to the lake.
The report largely restates the earlier work of the 1985 study and makes recommendations based on the data. The report does provide the first three years of the CVMP results and the methods used. The CVMP results are given in greater detail below. Although minimal in scope as compared to the 1985 study, the CVMP data gathered over a sixteen year period links the 1985 results to subsequent monitoring completed in 2005 and 2006.
The Citizens Volunteer Monitoring Program (CVMP) was a program operated by DEQ for many years from the late 1980s through 2007, when funding for the program was cut. Interested citizens were trained by DEQ personnel to collect water quality data and samples from key waterbodies across the state. As a volunteer effort, many data sets were developed by several individuals on several lakes, but the records were broken due to the lack of volunteers in some years. In the case of Hayden Lake, a continuous sixteen year record of data and sample collection exists. The vast majority of these data and the samples were collected by a single dedicated individual, Robert (Bob) Black. Thanks to the efforts of Bob Black, a chain of data exists between the in-depth 1985 study completed by Eastern Washington University limnologists and the most recent work on the lake.
The CVMP monitoring consisted of samples collected at the four mid-lake stations established in the 1985 study and used by DEQ in its 1986 sampling. Sampling was conducted five times between August and November of each year. Water clarity was established with a Secchi disc. Samples were then collected at the Secchi depth (how deep the Secchi disc can be seen) and from one meter off the bottom with a polyethylene Kemmerer sampling bottle. Temperature and oxygen of the upper and near bottom samples were measured. Three one liter samples were collected at the Secchi depth while two were collected near the bottom. A sample from each stratum was preserved with acid while the other was not. The third sample from the upper strata was wrapped in foil to protect against degradation of chlorophyll. The samples were analyzed for different chemical forms of the plant growth nutrients phosphorous and nitrogen, while the third foil wrapped sample from the upper level was analyzed for chlorophyll a.
The three most critical values collected by the CVMP work were the clarity measure in Secchi depth in meters, and the total phosphorous and the chlorophyll a concentration. Phosphorous is the nutrient limiting plant (algae) growth, while chlorophyll a is a measure of the amount of algae present in the upper (illuminated) part of the water column. The three graphs that follow show the mean and range of these values over the sixteen year period for a mid-lake station. Data are missing for some years. For reference, the mean and range values collected in the 1985 study and DEQ’s 1986 measurements are shown as are values collected in a later monitoring effort (2005-2006). Where applicable, the goal of the Hayden lake Management Plan is marked on the graph.
Note: 1 meter = 3.28 feet
The data collected in the CVMP effort provides a long term sixteen year assessment of three critical parameters of Hayden Lake’s water quality. Clarity averaged around eight meters during the summer and fall months varying a meter above or below this average. The 12 meter measurement is believed to be an error as stated in the 1987 Assessment. Based on the long term record a clarity goal of 10 meters may be over ambitious. Total phosphorous averages around 7.5 micrograms per liter with departures well over 10 micrograms per liter and as low as 3 micrograms per liter. The departures upward are accompanied by wide ranges in data points suggesting potential contamination issues. The ten year average does not meet the management plan goal of 7 micrograms per liter phosphorous. Chlorophyll a data indicates the lake throughout the period maintained the low productivity typical of an oligotrophic waterbody; less than 2 micrograms per liter. All chlorophyll a averages were below those collected in the 1985 study or by DEQ a year later.
The CVMP data is a vital link, but the sampling locations were roughly those used earlier in the 1985 study and suffer the same flaw. Three of these are mid-lake stations, while the fourth was in the transition zone between the deep open lake and the shallow northern arm of the lake. The data collected over the sixteen years does not indicate the status of water quality in the much shallower bays of Hayden Lake.
Water quality monitoring was completed in 2005 by the Hayden Lake Watershed Advisory Group. By 2006 the group had re-organized as the original Hayden Lake Watershed Association. The Association requested the Hayden Lake Recreational Water & Sewer District to hire a lake manager who assisted with the work. The monitoring was completed as part of DEQ’s CVMP. However, the monitoring plan was altered dramatically to assess the water quality of one bay and a station near the northern arm of the lake and limit the mid-lake stations that provide redundant data in previous monitoring to one station. Three lake stations were monitored: a mid-lake station in the deep pool of the lake, a station in Berven Bay and a station near the lake’s northern arm. Berven Bay was monitored because development in the bay’s watershed was accelerating. The northern arm station was monitored because prior to the impoundment of the lake by the dike, this area was a meadow that was seasonally flooded. Inundation of the meadow created a shallow, less than 2 meters deep, area of the lake with abundant aquatic weed growth and higher primary productivity. The northern arm station was situated just to the south of the shallow area. The monitoring plan also incorporated monitoring of the discharge and plant growth nutrient content of Hayden Creek and new methods to assess changes occurring in the water quality of the lake’s bays.
Each lake station was sampled five times between April and October. Clarity was measured with a Secchi disc. Temperature, conductivity and dissolved oxygen were measured through the entire lake water column. An integrated sample of the water column that receives sunlight (euphotic zone) was analyzed for total phosphorous and chlorophyll a. The Forest Service operated the gaging station on Hayden Creek to measure discharge while DEQ collected water quality samples to measure the plant growth nutrients. Chlorophyll fluorescence was measured across the length of bays (transects) and the northern arm to assess chlorophyll concentration trends. These data were verified in 2005 by collecting samples and measuring chlorophyll a across the same transect in the northern arm.
Results of the 2005 and 2006 monitoring mirrored those of earlier CVMP monitoring for the mid-lake, Berven Bay and northern arm stations. The lake’s clarity exceeded 7 meters (23 feet) on average, total phosphorous was slightly higher than 7 micrograms per liter and chlorophyll a concentrations were in the range from 1.5 to 2 micrograms per liter. Berven Bay was similar to the mid-lake station because it is a very deep bay (17 meters) very close to shore. The results from the northern arm station indicated it was more like an open lake station with little impact to the water quality from the shallow high primary productivity just to the north. Although Hayden Creek discharge was measured for a year by the Forest Service, funding and personnel changes in DEQ precluded follow through on the nutrient monitoring. Both chlorophyll fluorescence and actual chlorophyll a measurements were made on a transect from north to south across the northern arm of the lake. Chlorophyll a concentration was nearly 13 micrograms per liter at the northern end near Sportsmen’s Access, peaked to the south at 17 micrograms per liter and then declined to 1.9 micrograms per liter as the transect reached the station located near the northern arm. The chlorophyll fluorescence mirrored this pattern across the transect. These results demonstrate the high primary productivity of the shallow areas of the lake. In 2006 chlorophyll fluorescence transects were completed on the northern arm and on a few other bays (Berven, O’Rourke and Windy) of the lake. Transect data was collected with a global positioning satellite (GPS) data identifying the location of each specific location. This allows the absolute location of these transects to be compared with any subsequent transects collected.
A gradient of primary productivity as measured either as chlorophyll a concentration or fluorescence is expected from the shallow waters of a bay into the deep waters of an oligotrophic (low nutrient, low primary productivity) lake. The general trend of water quality is assessed by if and how that gradient changes over time. No change indicates a static condition in the lake. Since few natural systems are static, this outcome is unexpected. Migration of higher chlorophyll values (concentration or fluorescence) out towards the general lake waters is a strong indication of water quality degradation especially if this migration outward is progressive and persistent. Migration of the gradient towards shore would indicate improvement in bays water quality and a general improvement in lake water quality.
The 2005-2006 monitoring effort on Hayden Lake was cut short by funding cuts at DEQ that ended the CVMP program. The monitoring effort laid a chlorophyll fluorescence baseline for the northern arm and a few bays of the lake. However, subsequent transects require collection before any conclusions could be drawn concerning the water quality trend in the bays of Hayden Lake. The baseline data is geo-referenced with GPS so subsequently collected data could be compared based on the absolute position of the data. The failure to collect the tributary plant growth nutrient data also limited information gathered by the monitoring effort. This failure points out the very real fact the government agencies are in a persistent cycle of budget cut making them far less likely to take on such projects and programs. It will likely fall to private groups or Districts dedicated to a single lake resource to complete this necessary monitoring.
A monitoring effort was launched by the University of Idaho in cooperation with the HLWAI and Coeur d’Alene High School. Data was collected over the summer of 2010, however, that data was not placed in any report released to the public. Loss of the faculty position carry out this work essentially terminated the program.